Úvod > Starting with Freelo

Starting with Freelo

Here you can find everything you need to know when you decide to make the most of Freelo! 🙂

1. Start with creating projects and writing down all tasks

You and your team will have everything in one place from now on. Projects, tasks, communication, and documents. We recommend writing down all tasks, dividing them into projects, and putting them in Freelo. Then continue with assigning to the resolver and setting up deadlines or priorities.

2. Implement Freelo in your company without any problems

Start from the top management during the implementation of Freelo. Therefore from the boss and project managers. Appoint one person, who should be responsible for the new software. As soon as this person knows the system a bit, they should organize a workshop for others. This person should collect questions from others about the system and communicate with our support team – through mobile, e-mail, or chat in Freelo. It would be best if you also informed everybody what benefits implementing the new system has. And don’t forget to set up clear rules.

3. Organize your projects

Once you know how to create a project, next comes the difficult part – keeping them in order long-term. These 7 rules should help you with just that.

4. Set up the rules for effective teamwork 

Set up clear rules for your team, which all your colleagues should follow and respect. We created a list of 10 rules that will help you with keeping your teamwork effective.

5. Start with process management

Project vs. process. These two terms can be a little confusing. If projects or some of their parts are repeated, it’s better to use processes. And you can easily manage essential process management in Freelo.